1. Summer is no coats, lemonade, flip flops, breezy nights, driving with the top down, backyard barbecues, running through the sprinkler, and one of my favorite times of the year
2. My love for my mom’s homemade gnocchi dinners is unchanged –she’s been in Heaven for 6 years, and it’s still my absolute favorite food
3. Aargh! I hope matters are settled soon and the people in need of their social security checks get them this month.
4. I love to listen to the orchestra of birds in the nature reserve across my balcony in the morning, so many different songs bringing in the day.
5. Seven: Yep, the seventh month of the year is almost to an end, this year is flying by oh so fast!
6. Life is INCREDIBLY amazing don't you think?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to just chilling out, tomorrow my plans include a couple quick trips around town and Sunday, I want to have a fast day of work!